Courier June 22, 2020

The Conroe Noon Kiwanis has decided to start meeting weekly again at Hacienda Mis Padres beginning on Thursday July 1. We find it difficult to make decisions affecting our membership without the members present!

Ever wonder what keeps members involved in with the Conroe Noon Kiwanis? Mickey Deison is one of the original members of the Club and has attended weekly (until recently) for 66 years! In 1954, Mickey was impressed with the work ethic and genuine commitment to building a Kiwanis Shelter for kids, (now Yes to Youth, MCYS) that he wanted to be a part of something that made such a difference in the community. Vice President, Steve Reeves, a Kiwanis member for 21 years, enjoys being part of an organization that partners with other youth minded organizations to have a stronger voice, larger impact, and be an advocate in the community for children and youth.

Does this sound like something you might want to learn more about? We invite any guests or potential members to learn about the Conroe Noon Kiwanis by attending our weekly meetings. As an incentive and due to the economic hardship, many are facing currently, the Club will offer new members to ability to join without membership fees for their first quarter with us.

On the calendar our biggest event of the year, Kiwanis  Kid’s Day at the Park in collaboration with the City of Conroe’s Annual Kid Fish is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 12! Both free public events encouraging families to enjoy the outdoors at Carl Barton Jr Park while enjoying hands on activities.

Kid Fish is a free event sponsored by the City of Conroe starting at 9am that allows youth 16 and older to fish the lake at Carl Barton Jr Park with their own fishing gear or provided by the City until noon. Noon is when trophies will be awarded to the “biggest fish”. We are hopeful that outdoor activities will continue with social distancing.

Last chance to get scholarships in! Deadline is June 30th and they must be mailed to P.O. Box 872 Conroe, Texas 77305. Find the applications at