Adopt a Park
Providing a Clean Community
The Conroe Kiwanis Club adopted Founders Plaza at 205 Metcalf Street as part of the City of Conroe’s Adopt-a-Park community outreach program. Our partnership helps to keep Montogomery County parks clean and safe for both kids and families to enjoy.
Throughout the year, we participate in weeding, picking up trash, cleaning picnic tables, and other small tasks that keep your local parks looking nice all year around. As touch-ups are needed, we also take on larger duties such as painting and mulch replacement.
We hope that by providing a clean and safe environment for children to play will encourage outdoor activities while promoting physical well-being. Help maintain our parks–join today by submitting the Conroe Kiwanis membership application.

Want to get involved? Join the Conroe Kiwanis Club today to help make a difference for kids in Conroe and Montgomery County.