Courier June 8, 2020

As our great state of Texas continues to re-open, we know that many in our neighborhoods are still suffering, whether it be from sickness, economic hardships, or fear of the future that lies ahead. Please join us we ask for peace and healing in our country and throughout the world.

Kiwanis has a Vison Statement that I believe sums it up best: “Kiwanis will be a positive influence in communities worldwide so that one day all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them, and provide the support they need to thrive.” As members of the Conroe Noon Kiwanis Club, we stand by that statement, for all the children in our community regardless of race, creed, or religion.

We met for the first time since the shutdown in March on Wednesday, June 3. We haven’t been together as club and it was good to see our friends in person and check in with everyone. The club will continue to meet every other week on Wednesday at noon taking precautions to maintain health and safety of our members. Our next noon lunch meeting will be June 17 at Hacienda Mis Padres. Please join us if you would like to learn more about the Conroe Noon Kiwanis Club and together we can be a positive influence in our community.

We are still accepting applications for scholarships through June 30. Carolyn Price and her team are reviewing eligible applications as they come in. Information available at and must be printed off and mailed to P.O. Box 872 Conroe, Texas 77305.

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time by making last differences in the lives of children. If you are interested in serving the community and making a positive impact on youth, continue to follow our Facebook page, for updates and  our website at for updates. We meet at noon weekly on Wednesday at Hacienda Mis Padres, 5104 W. Davis, Conroe.