Jeff Williams, pastor and founder of Eagles Nest Ministries in Conroe was our guest speaker at Conroe Noon Kiwanis on April 24 at lunch. Eagles Nest Ministries is a faith based non-denominational non profit organization focusing on a re-entry program for ex-offender males from the Texas prison system.
150 men and women are released into Montgomery County each month with a $50 stipend and another $50 when they check in with their parole officer. They have housing and job challenges and if not given opportunities to earn a living, care for their families, and find affordable housing, 80% will return to crime. Eagles Nest Ministries has assisted 50 men in 4 years through their transitional housing and 1300 men in various outreach programs.
Their Soaring Eagles Re-entry Home and Training Program houses 12 eligible men for 12 months in alternative housing with opportunities to learn job skills. Soon to open is a Auto Mechanics Service open to the public for repair and care maintenance providing income for the organization and the men in transition. Jeff spoke at our club to bring awareness and to share the need of faith-based volunteers to restore self esteem to the men in their program through positive mentorship.
As the school year is closing, Kiwanis member, Carolyn Price and her committee are reviewing the many scholarship applications submitted from graduating seniors throughout the county. Eight seniors will be awarded $1,000 in the next few weeks with names to be announced in our next article.
The Key Club of Caney Creek High School came out to help with parking cars during Kidzfest and had a great time assisting some of the 15,000 attendees at the event demonstrating leadership skills. We hope to include the Key Club in future events and see them at lunch throughout the summer. It’s all about the children of the future!
Stop by for lunch every Wednesday at Hacienda Mis Padres Grill (5104 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304) at noon. Visitors and guests ALWAYS welcome. If you are interested in making a difference in our community, visit our website at